One foot in, one foot out
One moment away from shutting down
I'm too complete to need something
From someone who's not on my frequency
So if you got what it takes
Then baby don't hesitate
Hey, just blow me away
I'm waiting
Don't need no false promises
Someone who knows who he is
Someone who's ready for this cause it's waiting
All these other boys
They're just not enough
So talk to me, come to me, hurry up
Hey baby, I've never been in love
But I wanna be, I wanna be, so hurry up
Yeah, woah
Talk to me, come to me, hurry up
Yeah, woah
Talk to me, come to me, hurry up
It's four AM, I'm drunk again
About to leave with someone I just met
He's insecure, immature
All these in betweens are too much work
So if you got what it takes
Then baby don't hesitate
Hey, just blow me away
I'm waiting
Don't need no false promises
Someone who knows who he is
Someone who's ready for this cause it's waiting
All these other boys
They're just not enough
So talk to me, come to me, hurry up
Hey baby, I've never been in love
But I wanna be, I wanna be, so hurry up
Yeah, woah
Talk to me, come to me, hurry up
Yeah, woah
Talk to me, come to me, hurry up
All these other boys
They're just not enough
So talk to me, come to me, hurry up
Hey baby, I've never been in love
But I wanna be, I wanna be, so hurry up
Yeah, woah
Talk to me, come to me, hurry up
Yeah, woah
Talk to me, come to me, hurry up
Hey baby
Talk to me, come to me, hurry up
Talk to me, come to me, hurry up
Future Friends
Superfruit |
Superfruit |
Bad 4 Us
Superfruit |
Imaginary Parties
Superfruit |
Superfruit |
Superfruit |
How You Feeling?
Superfruit |
Superfruit |
Goodbye From Lonely
Superfruit |
Superfruit |