You called me by my first name, for the first time
Since the first time, that we met
Didn't tell me goodbye, for the first time
Since the first night you laid in my bed
And it knocks me off my feet
I'm coming apart and I can't breathe
Oh, every part of me
Was tethered to what we used to be
Am I talking too much?
Am I saying enough?
Did you fall out of love?
I wish that you'd told me
What do I do?
Have I run out of time?
I'm one goodbye from lonely
I'm one goodbye from lonely
I'm one goodbye from lonely
Goodbye, goodbye lonely
Goodbye, goodbye
Something about the last kiss felt so different
Than the first kiss on my lips
I can feel the distance in between us
Like the old us doesn't exist
And it knocks me off my feet
I'm coming apart and I can't breathe
Oh, every part of me
Was tethered to what we used to be
Am I talking too much?
Am I saying enough?
Did you fall out of love?
I wish that you'd told me
What do I do?
Have I run out of time?
I'm one goodbye from lonely
I'm one goodbye from lonely
Goodbye, goodbye lonely
Goodbye, goodbye
Am I talking too much?
Am I saying enough?
Did you fall out of love?
I wish that you'd told me
What do I do?
Have I run out of time?
I'm one goodbye from lonely
Goodbye, goodbye lonely
Goodbye, goodbye
I'm one goodbye from lonely
Goodbye, goodbye lonely
Goodbye, goodbye
I'm one goodbye from lonely
I'm one goodbye from lonely
Superfruit |
Goodbye From Lonely
Superfruit |
Hurry Up!
Superfruit |
Superfruit |
Superfruit |
Bad 4 Us
Superfruit |
Imaginary Parties
Superfruit |
Worth It (Perfect)
Superfruit |
Future Friends (Brian Robert Jones Choir Remix)
Superfruit |
Future Friends
Superfruit |