You see a girl in the hallway
And then you whisper to your friend
Who is she anyway
You forgot what she looks like in like a day
But your words don't hurt me
I will be okay
Cause you don't hurt me
I won't mold to
Your silly words
I won't live in such a world
Cause your punches and your names
All your jokes and stupid games
They don't work
And they don't hurt
Watch them just go right through me
Because they mean nothing to me
Try to change my shape
But baby I'm not clay
Sorry not today
Cause baby I'm not
Try to change my shape
But baby I'm not clay
Sorry not today
Cause baby I'm not clay
Your silly words
I won't live in such a world
Cause your punches and your names
All your jokes and stupid games
They don't work
No they don't hurt
Watch them just go right through me
Because they mean nothing to me
I'm not clay
Miss You
Grace VanderWaal |
Darkness Keeps Chasing Me
Grace VanderWaal |
Grace VanderWaal |
Escape My Mind
Grace VanderWaal |
City Song
Grace VanderWaal |
Insane Sometimes
Grace VanderWaal |
Light The Sky
Grace VanderWaal |
Sick Of Being Told
Grace VanderWaal |
So Much More Than This
Grace VanderWaal |
I Don't Know My Name
Grace VanderWaal |